
Adding a Single Calendar to a Page Using the Shortcode Generator

Note: This functionality does not work in WordPress 5.0+. To add a calendar to the post/page please use the shortcode as described lower on this page.

You can add an existing calendar to any post or page by using the Add Calendar button from your WordPress WYSIWYG editor. The button is located next to the Add Media button.

Clicking the Add Calendar button will open a pop-up with all customizable settings for the calendar. Make sure the selected tab at the top of the pop-up is Insert Calendar.

You can customize the following settings:

  • Calendar – select the calendar you wish to be displayed in the page
  • Display Calendar Title – select whether to display the calendar’s title or not
  • Display Legend –  select whether to display the calendar’s color legend or not
  • Legend Position – select the position where the legend should be displayed in relation to the calendar
  • Months To Display – select how many months you wish to appear
  • Start Year – select the year from which you wish the calendar to start
  • Start Month – select the month from which you wish the calendar to start
  • Week Starts Day – select the name of the day you wish your calendar to start from
  • Display Selection Dropdown – select whether to display the calendar’s monthly selection dropdown
  • Display Tooltips – select whether to show the data you have added for each individual day as a tooltip when a user hovers over the calendar days in the page
  • Highlight Today – whether to show the current day with a different color
  • Show Week Numbers – select whether to display the numbers of each week in the calendar

By clicking the Insert Calendar button a shortcode will be added to the editor for you with all the information you have selected in the pop-up.

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