All the Features in One Small Plugin.
Fully responsive design
Looks great and fits perfectly on all devices and screen sizes.
Create unlimited calendars
Each calendar can refer to a different product or service available for reservation.
iCalendar import and export
Sync with any website that supports the iCalendar format (AirBnB,, TripAdvisor, and more...)
Intuitive backend calendar management
Extremely intuitive and easy to use backend management interface.
Changeover days
A clear way to display check-in and check-out days.
Custom legend items
Create your own legend items with custom names and colours.
Custom start weekday
Set the starting weekday of the calendar.
Custom starting month or year
Make the calendar start on a certain month or year instead of the current date.
Display multiple months
Display as many months as you want in the front-end.
Overview calendar
Combine multiple calendars into one clear overview.
Bulk date editor
Edit multiple dates with a single click.
Tooltips when hovering over dates
Display extra information about certain dates with the help op tooltips.
Display week numbers
Display the number of the week (1-52) in the calendar.
Abiltiy to hide past events
Display past dates as "Available" or grey them out.
User management
Assign users to edit specific calendars.
Export calendar events
Export calendar events in a CSV format.
Link calendars to pages
Calendar links appear in the Overview Calendar or Search Results.
Fully Translatable
Easy to translate into any language.